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From complete beginner to die-hard yogi, We Are Yogaful has a class to meet your need. Check out class details below or go straight to the current class schedule to book your spot on the mat!

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Led Ashtanga
Ashtanga Mysore Style
Rocket Yoga
Yin & Yoga Nidra
Slow Flow For Improvers
6-Week Beginners' Yoga


Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga is a series of sequences which are in essence a blend of the Primary, Intermediate and Third series of ashtanga yoga. Described as the original form of power yoga, these sequences were developed in the late 80s/early 90s by Larry Schultz, a disenchanted ashtanga devotee, but it wasn’t until the mid 90s that they were labelled “The Rocket”. Schultz was touring with the band The Grateful Dead as their yoga teacher when he was asked what type of yoga he was teaching. When he didn’t have an answer, it was Bob Weir from the band who is reputed to have “I know, we’ll call it The Rocket!” When Larry asked why, Bob replied “because it gets you there faster!”

The seemingly gymnastic style of Rocket Yoga makes it easy to believe that it’s all about the asana, the physical practice, but this far from the truth. With the use of the breath at the centre of “the system”, The Rocket challenges us to discover that we are stronger than we think we are, both mentally and physically. We enter this via Prepare For Rocket, where there is myriad of modifications that we are able to use as we travel the path to the more advanced variations of the postures and in doing so, we learn to move away from our inner critic, delighting instead in what our inner teacher has to offer us.

Book A Class
Led Ashtanga
Ashtanga Mysore Style
Rocket Yoga
Yin & Yoga Nidra
Slow Flow For Improvers
6-Week Beginners' Yoga